If you choose Premium, Elite, or VIP Accounts:
1. Fill out the Registration Form. Choose a Subscription plan.
2. After submitting the form, you will be redirected to the Activation page where you can make payments and activate your account. Follow the instructions on how to activate your account. Although you can log in, your membership status is pending, and you won’t be able to see anything until you complete your payment.
3. Once payment has been made, upload your proof of payment to the form provided. Your payment will be reviewed, and once confirmed, you will be notified of the account upgrade. You must settle your payment immediately, as your account period is running the moment you registered.
If you choose Free Membership:
You’ve only gained access to 1 free novel that you can read within 3 days and to story teasers and sample chapters of all available novels. Keep in mind that your account will expire in 3 days. Once it expires, you can still log in. However, you will lose access to anything. The only thing you can do while logged in is to Change/Upgrade your account. To do so, go to your Member Account Dashboard and click Change.